Wednesday, September 5, 2012


"Most people are unaware of the fact that reptiles never stop growing in size while alive. As humans, we know that our noses and ears never stop growing, but the rest of us does. Same with mammals and most of the animal kingdom. They grow to a certain size, then stop growing. While they do get older, they don't get any bigger. This is not true, however, with reptiles, as reptiles continue to grow in size until the day they die. That's why when you see a tortoise that has lived for 100+ years, it gets to be the size of a bathtub. If a tortoise could live for 500 years, it would literally grow to be the size of a garage and would be considered nothing more than one of the many unique types of dinosaur.

When we look at dinosaurs, we need to realize that they are nothing more than different types of reptiles, lizards, etc., that continued to grow in size for as long as God allowed them to live. If we remember, the Bible says that before Noah's flood, man lived to be hundreds of years old. Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. It was after the flood that God shortened the life span of man. If God allowed man to live several hundred years, it is very plausible to believe he may have allowed animals to live that long too. Remember, we know today that reptiles never stop growing in size throughout their lifetime,so think about what a Gecko or a Komodo Dragon might look like if it lived for 500 years. Can you say “dinosaur”?"