[The author of "Hidden Secrets of Alpha Course", a Gentile, is deeply indebted to his Jewish brother in the Lord, Don Leichel, through his excellent book The Secret of Daniel – An end Time Revelation, p.293-294, for helping him fully understand the profound significance of the Hebrew letter “Shin” as it relates to the badger. The photo above is from John Darbyshire & Laurie Campbell’s excellent book Badgers p.40]
The Badger
Wood's Bible Animals, 1875
Until very lately, there was much difficulty in ascertaining whether the word Tachash has been rightly translated as Badger. It occurs in several parts of the Scriptures, and almost invariably is used in relation to a skin or fur of some sort. We will first examine the passages in which the Badger is mentioned, and then proceed to identify the animal. (more....)
From "The Hidden Secrets of Alpha Course" by John D. Christian:
There are a great variety of different animal species mentioned in the Bible. God has not randomly chosen any of them, but he has meticulously put them into the text or narrative to help illustrate important, key scriptural truths. Among the most important of these species, yet the most little understood, are the VIPER and the BADGER. Since both of these unique animals have a direct relationship with end-time false prophets, and especially those of the Alpha course, let’s take a quick look at them to help us appreciate the remaining, but most important chapters in this book.
Quite appropriately, (by now the reason will seem obvious), the London Zoo has arguably the most comprehensive display of snakes in the world. According to their exhibition literature, “there are 2700 species of snakes throughout the world – and of these the most highly developed kinds of venomous snakes are the vipers.”When the Bible speaks about snakes it is often very specific. It has to be, because some species of snakes are not venomous at all. Vipers are the real ‘nasty characters’ of the snake world and they are the predominant killers of human beings.According to the London Zoo’s display literature, the Saw-Scaled Viper (or Carpet Viper) causes several thousands of deaths each year and it is the most widespread and deadly of all snakes. Others such as the Taipan and Indian Cobra come a close second.
Badgers Immune to Viper Bites
Badgers are arch-enemies of wilderness snakes and reptiles, including the most venomous of all
vipers. That’s why God through Moses specially chose them to cover and protect his holy tabernacle in the wilderness. Here a badger quickly dispatches a desert iguana. Vipers get the same treatment. (Both Jesus and John the Baptist referred to the scribes and Pharisees and the multitude who followed them, as literal “vipers.”
The Alpha Question Mark and the Mexican Pit-Viper
There are two main types of foraging strategies in snakes: Ambush Predation and Active Searching. Ambush predators, such as most vipers and pit-vipers, lie in wait for their prey. They are often beautifully camouflaged and are very difficult to see, because they lie still for hours, days or even weeks. When an unsuspecting victim wanders past within range, the viper strikes without warning. Many pit vipers and death adder ‘ambush predators’ have brightly colored tail-tips, which they wave in the shape of a ‘QUESTION MARK’ to attract their unsuspecting prey. While the rest of the snake lies concealed in the leaf litter or undergrowth, the tailtip is waved repeatedly so unsuspecting prey such as lizards, frogs, mammals and birds are attracted to the ‘lure’, mistaking it for a real insect or worm – when really it is a deadly trap. Not only is the lure shaped like a ‘question mark’ immediately before a viper strikes, their upper body and head is usually positioned in the shape of a ‘question mark.’ To imitate the real thing, pit viper and death adder tail-tips are of varying colors, often red, orange, yellow or blue. The Mexican cantil Agkistrodon bilineatus pit viper’s tail, for example, is bright cream or yellow. An excellent photo of one waving its ‘question mark’ brightly colored tail is reproduced in Rick Shine’s excellent book, Australian Snakes, p.162. [see illustrations]
In an identical way to that of the pit viper, while waving its brightly colored ‘question mark’ tail-tip, the human vipers of the apostate Protestant and Roman Catholic churches are ‘waving’ their alluring Alpha course red ‘question mark’ logo to entice their unsuspecting victims into their deadly lair for a meal.
The only difference between a Mexican pit viper and a venomous viper like Nicky
Gumbel is that one wears a shirt and the other one doesn’t. If this allegation seems a little too harsh, then let’s look at what the Bible has to say about human vipers.
What the Bible says about Human Vipers
In snakes, ‘searching predators’ obtain their food in a very different way than ‘ambush predators.’ Searching predators will travel widely through suitable habitat, using vision and scent to locate prey. If need be, they will even chase their prey and try and catch it. Not so with most vipers or ambush predators. Jesus was very precise when he labeled certain individuals of his day as ‘vipers.’ In Matthew 3:7, John the Baptist called the religious men of his day, the Pharisees and Sadducees (their equivalent now are Catholics and apostate Protestants), a generation of vipers.” In Matthew 23:29-33 Jesus called the scribes (now New Age modern bible version editors) and Pharisees (now apostate Christian ministers), “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” In Luke 3:7, John even called the ‘multitude’ that was following them a “generation of vipers.”There were four distinct groups of individuals that Jesus and John classified as ‘vipers:’ Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes and the ‘multitude’ who followed them. Today, it is Holy Trinity Brompton’s Alpha course apostate Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders who are the modern form of the Pharisee and Sadducee ‘vipers.’ – and their followers, of course, the millions who ignorantly support the ‘Alpha course,’ are of necessity, now become a modern ‘multitude’ of vipers’ – and the corrupt bibles they use and promote, such as the spurious CEV, have been written by literal, scribal vipers – who incidentally have blasphemously REMOVED EVERY REFERENCE TO VIPERS in these verses from their venomous bibles!
In Isaiah 30:1-12, the LORD said that because of Israel’s rebellion and wickedness in following after false prophets, he would burden them with “the viper” and the “fiery
flying serpent.” Hislop in The two Babylons, p. 227-228, explains:
“At all events, we have evidence, both Scriptural and profane, for the fact, that
the worship of the serpent began side by side with the worship of fire and the sun.
The inspired statement of Paul seems decisive on the subject. It was, he says,
“When men knew God, but glorified him not as God,” that they changed the glory
of God, not only into an image made like to corruptible man, but unto the likeness
of ‘creeping things’ – that is, of serpents (Romans 1:23)… the ‘Fiery Serpent.’”
Thus, the Alpha course, which is being heavily promoted by both the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches together, has for its leading symbol a ‘giant red question mark’ – the ancient emblem of the red ‘Fiery Flying Serpent’ – a viper. In real life vipers have some amazing characteristics. Even after they have died and their heart has stopped beating, they can still bite and kill you because their venom is so deadly.
In speaking about the wicked, David said; “Their poison is like the poison of a serpent, they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.” (Psalms 58:4) “They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips. Selah.” (Psalm 140:3) Paul said, “Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.” (Romans 3:13-14)
Like literal vipers, even after they die, the venomous words of corrupt modern bible version editors continue on and on to kill people. Interestingly, the Hebrew word ‘epheh’ translated ‘viper’ is derived from the Hebrew word ‘epha’ which means ‘to breath nothing,’ and this is what false prophets and real vipers literally hiss and do – especially when they’re ‘CHALLENGED’ – about their false statements and false doctrine!
Jacobsen’s Organ and False Doctrine
Snakes possess a strange sensory device known as a Jacobsen’s Organ. This is a scent-sensitive pair of pits lying in the roof of the mouth. Scent particles are conveyed to them from the air or the ground by the tips of the forked tongue. When a snake flickers its tongue, it is really equivalent to a dog sniffing the air. Jacobsen’s Organs have several functions, including assisting in the trailing of prey, the recognition of enemies, the identification of prey, and the examination of the mate during courtship. Amazingly, the Jacobsen’s Organ on pit vipers is perfectly shaped like a ‘shepherd’s crook’ or ‘question mark,’ – which traditionally, all arch-enemies of Jesus Christ (who is the true “good shepherd of the sheep),” have identified themselves with. Indeed, Pharaoh in Egypt carried a crook shaped like a ‘question mark.’ The bishops of the apostate church blasphemously carry ‘question mark’ crooks, and so does the Pope – and HRH Prince of Wales. When the Bible speaks about serpents and vipers it is very precise you know!
Pit Viper Infra-red Receptors and the 666 Mark of the Beast
Pit vipers have special prey-location organs on either side of the face and between the eyes and the nostrils. These facial pits are infrared receptors. They are so sensitive that they are capable of detecting differences of fractions of a degree centigrade in the environment. This means that warm-blooded prey is at their mercy even in pitch darkness.
Identical to the pit viper’s infrared system, much of modern hi-tech military and civilian surveillance equipment uses infrared technology. This includes modern barcode and microchip reading technology, which uses infrared readers and receptors for processing the information – not to mention the Alpha International Space Station Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Lasers (MIRACL) that will soon be used to deceive virtually everyone on Earth.
The Bible is very precise when it is describing the characteristics of the Serpent and Satan. Indeed, the characteristics of real vipers are IDENTICAL in the minutest detail to those exhibited by unrepentant man empowered by Satan. When the Bible speaks about the “Serpent” – it is LITERAL.
Pit vipers have a pair of heat-sensing pits which act in stereo to pinpoint the direction and range of their target. The heat pits are directed forwards, and by analyzing the heat messages received on either side of its head, the snake can work out its prey’s position and range, even in total darkness. In experiments, even a blind snake can score a direct hit every time provided its heat-pits are uncovered.
Modern surveillance cameras, televisions, cell-phones, EFTPOS banking terminals, and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite technologies all now interlock together using infrared technology in one form or another, to operate like a giant pit viper global infrared receptor. Indeed, the logos of the giant global telephone companies like Vodafone and Lucent (acronym for LUCIFER’S ENTERPRISES) are both red “fiery serpents biting their tails.” Verichip Corporation in the US, that manufactures a good proportion of the world’s implantable microchips and EFTPOS microchip reading terminals, has as its logo the literal ‘eye of a viper.’ Prince Charles’ bank, Nat-West, that founded the electronic wallet Mondex (mon ‘money’, dex ‘right-hand’) system now owned by MasterCard International uses the same technology.
Could the satanic personalities behind the creation of the modern GPS satellite tracking system, the cashless banking system, and mobile phone technology have something to do with the deadly character of pit vipers? Could the soon coming ‘mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead’ prophesied to come in the near future (Revelation 13:16), be a literal implantable Verichip, or a cell phone radio frequency identification (RFI) microchip transponder interlocking with a Personal Identity Number (PIN) mark, that is to be injected or cut into the skin like the deadly venom of pit vipers? – and operate as it does, using infrared technology? Could the “grievous sore” upon the men that take the mark of the beast prophesied in Revelation 16:2, be the exact same agonizing symptom produced by a fatal pit viper bite – immediately before it kills its unsuspecting victim?
A common characteristic of the most deadly pit viper bites is that more often than not the human victim is NOT INITIALLY AWARE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN BITTEN. Often children who have been bitten by taipans will just complain of a small bee-sting or a prickle and it is common for the bite marks to be almost invisible. The cause of most deaths in children arises from the fact their parents do not identify early enough the fact that their children have even been bitten. As a result, they do not seek medical attention until it is too late.
The venoms of proteroglyphous snakes are typically neurotoxic: that is, they kill by preventing the transmission of electrical impulses along nerve cells. In contrast, viperid venoms are more often cytotoxic, actually breaking down tissue around the bite site. Although at first viperid bites look almost harmless, ultimately they become excruciatingly painful, cause horrendous local damage and look much worse than proteroglyph bites. Initially, soon, all those who take the “666 mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead for all buying and selling” (Revelation 13:16-18), are going to go about their daily business NOT REALIZING THAT THEY HAVE BEEN BITTEN. Only after a delayed period of time will the deadly venom begin to react, break down surrounding tissue, and cause horrendously painful and unsightly local damage which will remain with the victim right up to the time of their agonizing death.
In Revelation 16:2, “the noisome and grievous sore” on those who take the “mark of the beast” in the right hand or forehead for all buying and selling – is nothing less than the EXACT symptom of a serious and fatal pit viper bite.
If genuine Christians had even an ounce of understanding of the incredible suffering and agony that victims of serious pit viper bites go through before they die – surely ALL Christians should now be warning others against taking the mark of the beast prophesied in Revelation 13:16 – and also the venomous doctrine now coming forth from the foul brood of vipers at Holy Trinity Brompton – who lie through their fangs telling us a great global Christian ‘revival’ is coming – when clearly it is not.
Personality of Vipers
As previously mentioned, the saw-scaled viper (or carpet viper) is the world’s most widespread and deadly snake. It is found throughout the Middle East and Asia and it is probably the viper referred to in the Bible.
Interestingly, the modern camouflage clothing now worn by US, UN, and NATO troops in the Middle East and elsewhere throughout the world almost exactly resembles the appearance of the skin of saw-scaled vipers.
In contrast with American rattlesnakes, for instance, which are easily identified, heavily built pit vipers that have a rattle in their tail to use as a warning device, saw scaled vipers are much more dangerous and nasty because they strike without warning. Saw-scaled vipers are so deadly because they are deceptively small and appear harmless, that is, if you are fortunate enough to see them first, because they are normally very well camouflaged. Carpet vipers, (unlike many other species of snakes), kill more people because in spite of their small size, they will not move away or retreat when alarmed, and because of their extremely ‘IRRITABLE NATURE,’ when they are challenged they will bite almost anyone who comes in their path.
If you want to observe the ‘personality’ of a ‘human viper’ just try taking this book or others like it, to your local church minister and challenge him about why he is running the Alpha course. In all likelihood his venomous response will be that of the saw-scaled viper! If you really want to see him spit and hiss, try challenging him over the final authority of the Textus Receptus or King James Bible. But be warned. He may be beautifully camouflaged as a good family man and wear a fresh white shirt and collar and tie, but be aware, if you challenge him, inevitably he is going to bite!
In contrast to vipers in the Bible, who represent Satan, badgers in the Bible represent God’s people.
Apart from the ‘lamb’ of God, the humble badger is by far the most unique and important animal in the Bible. When the children of Israel were wandering for forty years in the desert, the Lord instructed Moses to make a tabernacle in the wilderness (Exodus 25). The covering for the tent was to be made of rams’ skins dyed red (representative of the atoning blood of Jesus Christ), and an outer covering above that made up of badgers’ skins (Exodus 36:19) (representative of the Holy Ghost and FAITH in Jesus Christ). Just like the badgers that were slain to cover the house of the Lord, countless prophets and saints have been slain over the centuries, and in some cases literally been skinned alive, for their precious faith in Christ.
Badgers’ skins not only covered the house of the Lord in the wilderness, they were so important that when the tabernacle was being transported, even all the most holy things and vessels of the sanctuary had to be carefully covered and carried in badgers’ skins (Numbers 4:1-14)
The Hebrew word ‘tachash’ on all fourteen occasions in the Old Testament is translated ‘badger.’ It is always plural and always relates to the badgers’ ‘skins.’ There are many species of badgers, but the particular badger that lives in the Middle East, including Jordan and Israel, is the Eurasian Badger – Genus Meles (Meles meles). This badger is found practically all over Europe and Asia and undoubtedly this is the badger that Moses used for constructing the covering of the tabernacle of the LORD in the wilderness.
The Marks of the Badger
The Eurasian badger has a dirty-grey colored coat and is characterized by a distinctive pure white mark or seal on its forehead. The tips of each ear are pure white, surrounded by black. To the outside world the tabernacle of the LORD was just a dirty grey smelly tent made up of many unsightly badgers’ skins. “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” (I Corinthians 1:27) However, inside the tabernacle it was an entirely different matter. Overlaid with pure gold therein was the beautiful altar of incense where Aaron burnt sweet incense perpetually before the Lord. (Exodus 30: 1-9). Paul said, “For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ…” (2 Corinthians 2:14-15)
Mark of Faith
The pure white mark imprinted on badgers’ foreheads is symbolical of the “faith” of the believer. God’s house is a house of faith.
Throughout his entire ministry the Lord Jesus continually repeated these words: “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Matthew 9:22, Mark 5:34, 10:52, etc.) Paul said to the Galatians, “…let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10). All true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8). The Holy Spirit is received through faith. (Galatians 3:4) All New Testament believers, such as Barnabas, were full of the Holy Ghost and of faith. (Acts 11:24)
Seal of Jesus Christ in the Forehead of the Badger – and the Hebrew letter “Shin” Every single badger skin covering the tabernacle of the Lord was sealed with a pure white mark on the forehead and on the tips of each ear. The precise positions of these three white marks on each badgers pelt made up the ‘tips’ of the Hebrew letter “Shin” [ ש]. This letter in the Hebrew alphabet, traditionally by Jews has been believed to
represent the dove, the three ‘points’ symbolize its head and the tips of its wings. This letter “Shin” is the central letter in the Hebrew word “Y’shua,” which is the Hebrew name that God gave the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear reader, do you know why God specifically chose the humble badger to cover his glorious house? The reason is that every badger skin carefully sewn together had the name of “Y’shua” indelibly written on them. But, more than that, the blood of the Passover lamb was struck in three places, on the lintel and two side door-posts of the children of Israel’s houses. These are also the precise three positions on the badger’s head where its pure white marks are imprinted. When the Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross at Calvary, three Roman nails were driven into his tortured body, once again, in these three very same places.
In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is seen descending from heaven like a pure white dove (John 1:32-33) and Romans 12:4-5 describes how, “we, being many, are one body in Christ.” I Corinthians 6:19 explains how our “body is the temple of the Holy Ghost” and Paul says in his epistle to the Ephesians, the “seal” of the believer is the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30)
Badgers and Scribal Vipers
Hislop in The Two Babylons, pages 270-272, says “the beast from the sea, whose number, as identified with Janus, is the number of a man, and amounts to 666. Janus was worshipped as the Messiah or god-man. The name “Lat,” or the hidden one, had evidently been given, as well as to Saturn, to the Great Babylonian god. This is evident from the name of the fish Latus, which was worshipped along with the Egyptian Minerva, in the city of Latopolis in Egypt… that fish Latus evidently just being another name for the fish-god Dagon…Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Bacchus… the sun-god Apollo had been known under the name of Lat…”
Dear Reader, are you aware that the ‘scribal vipers’ of all modern bible versions have blasphemously REMOVED all references to “badgers’ skins” completely from the text of their spurious bibles – and CHANGED the Lord’s “badger” into a Babylonian fish or goat?
The Amplified Bible has CHANGED the badger into a goat, dolphin or porpoise. The New International Version (NIV) vipers have CHANGED “badgers’ skins” into the “hides of sea cows” and the Contemporary English Version (CEV) simply reads “fine leather.” (ref. Exodus 25:5, 26:14, 35:7, 35:23, 36:19, 39:34; Numbers 4:6, 4:8, 4:10, 4:11, 4:12, 4:14).
The children of Israel were wandering for forty years in the wilderness and desert, not on a south-sea Pacific island! Even a 5 year old Sunday school child knows that dolphins or porpoises do not inhabit or live in deserts, yet these highly educated modern bible version vipers obviously don’t. Both the Pope’s and Archbishop of Canterbury’s fish-hats are shaped to represent the fish-god Dagon. Similar to serpents, goats in the Bible represent sin, Satan and rebellion. This is why the “Holy Spirit” of the Alpha course promoted by the corrupt bibles used by Holy Trinity Brompton is NOT the Holy Ghost of the King James Bible.
Badgers or Vipers?
Perhaps the New Age scribal vipers have had good reason to remove the humble badger from the text of their venomous bibles. In real life the deadly archenemy of all vipers is none other than the humble badger! The badger is a member of a very unique and remarkable group of animals that relentlessly hunt down snakes and vipers. In Britain, for example, the badger’s principal diet is earthworms. Not so in the Middle East or Africa.
In the dry wilderness regions of the Middle East the main diet of badgers are snakes, particularly the poisonous ones like vipers. Badgers are immune to their bites and they fearlessly hunt them down relentlessly. [Some experts are unsure if the real reason they never get fatally bitten is not necessarily that they are immune to the bites, it may be because they are too quick and their thick coats protect them].
There is not a single doctrine in the entire Bible which does not relate directly back to the miraculous attributes and unique characteristics of badgers. God put a lot of thought into creating them for his house in the wilderness. Like everything he does, our Creator is meticulous!
Badger’s Reproduction and Christ’s Second Coming
The badger is one of a unique group of mammals that does not follow the normal pattern of reproduction, but uses a special system of reproduction called Delayed Implantation.
After the female badger has conceived and fertilization has taken place and the blastocyst has arrived in the uterus, implantation does not take place immediately as it does in most other mammals. It remains in the uterus for a period ranging from just a few weeks to up to 11 months before implantation takes place. Regardless of when conception actually takes place at different times throughout the year, ALL BADGERS ARE BORN AT THE SAME TIME! The female badger’s “time of travail and delivery” is entirely in the hands of her Creator. This amazing system means that all baby badgers who are conceived before the time of implantation lie fertilized ‘asleep’ at it were, yet alive, protected in their mother’s wombs until the appointed time of implantation and their subsequent birth altogether.
Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3-5)
When Jesus comes again at his second coming, all those who have been “born again” (i.e. conceived not by man, but by the Holy Spirit) by water and the Spirit , (by grace through faith, in this life here on earth when they accepted Christ as Savior, regardless of when they made their decision, are alive or have died throughout the centuries in faith, will all be resurrected at the same appointed time together. The female badger’s character is identical to Christ’s bride, the Church. In speaking about Christ’s second coming, Paul said to the Thessalonians, “For the Lord himself shall descend form heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (I Thessalonians 4:16-18)
When Paul wrote I Thessalonians 4:16-18 under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, he was thinking about Joshua 6:16; “And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.” But he was also writing about the female badger as well! Remember? The priests were carrying the “holy things” in the badgers’ skins when all this miraculously happened. With such superlative hearing, badgers rely heavily on vocal signals for communicating with each other. They make a variety of sounds, but by far the greatest vocal signal the badger makes is the one for which it has gained an infamous reputation – its heart-rending, penetrating, long drawn out, awful, piercing, scream, yell or shout. This incredible sound can make even the most placid individual’s hair stand on end. The badger’s scream or shout is so powerful, its penetrating power can be heard over huge distances, especially when it is used as a warning call. If a badger were to shout in the rocky geography of the old city of Jerusalem, its shout would be able to be heard throughout the entire city. The same thing would literally apply to the ancient city of Jericho. ‘Joshua’ is the Hebrew root word for ‘Jesus,’ which means ‘Jehovah saves.’ In Joshua’s day, Israel could not be saved without having the “holy things” of the Lord’s house, (which included the Word of God in the ark of the covenant) carried in badgers’ skins. And so it is today, both for the nation of Israel and also the Christian Church. If you have a modern Bible, with the badgers’ skins REMOVED, you do not have the Word of God and are under severe judgment unless you repent.
Even David had to learn this truth, when Uzzah touched the ark of God and the Lord slew him. (2 Samuel 6:6-8) Instead of the ark (with the Word of God in it) being carried by the priests in badgers’ skins, as it should have been, David had allowed the chosen men of Israel to “DRIVE it on a cart” (2 Samuel 6:3). This is what the PURPOSE-DRIVEN Church is doing today (more about the evil Purpose-Driven Church and Spirit in chapter 21). When the oxen “shook” the ark and Uzzah put his hand on it, he could not have touched it if it had been properly covered with badgers’ skins as it should have been. Even after God slew Uzzah for his grievous sin, God did not let David bring the ark into the city of David until he had, through a righteous Gentile, Obed-edom (name means ‘worker’ or ‘servant’ of Edom), taught him to properly carry the ark of God, covered with badgers’ skins, with all the people of Israel – and become a true, humble servant!
Like Joshua at Jericho, like the humble female badger, David brought up the ark of the LORD into the city of David with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet (2 Samuel 6:15) only after the Lord had reminded him that he had to be humble. “Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel, be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.” (Zephaniah 3:14)
Zechariah prophesied of Jesus Christ’s first coming: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9) Paul, in I Thessalonians 4:16-18 prophesied of Christ’s second coming. Both prophecies included the ‘ shout’ of the badger .
Like innumerable young badgers, conceived over centuries and centuries throughout God’s sacred biblical year – preserved in their mother’s womb until the time of ‘implantation’ – sealed with the life and power of the Holy Ghost unto the day of redemption – unto the day of “implantation.”
(Nicodemus said to Jesus, “… How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God…Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again…” (John 3:4-7).
Like baby badgers, still in the womb of their mother, with their Father’s name and mark written on their foreheads, asleep yet alive: awaiting their miraculous birth all together. Born of water and the Spirit, the whole body of Christ shall be delivered and TOGETHER all believers shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord!
Badger’s Hearing
Snakes have no ears. Badgers, in contrast, have superlative hearing. Experts believe that their hearing is so good they can even detect ultrasonic sounds of rodents at a great distance or even earthworms below ground by hearing the scraping of their chaetae. Paul exclaimed, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Throughout his ministry Jesus continually repeated; “He that hath ears to ear, let him hear.” (Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 13:43, Mark 4:9 etc.)
Badger’s ears are pitch-black, tipped with pure white hair. Jesus said to his disciples; “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops,” he continued, “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Luke 12:2-3, 12:7). A more apt description of a badgers ear and head could not be imagined!
If you have not got a bible with the “badger” in it you do not have the Word of God!
Personality of Badgers
Unlike snakes and vipers, badgers are harmless, have a modest, humble, retiring, bashful, decorous, unpretentious character and personality. While animals like dogs can live almost anywhere and adapt to change quickly, badgers do not react well to any change at all. Badgers are ‘ultra-conservatives’ and they are ‘traditionalists’ to the core. This part of their personality is very pronounced and is best illustrated by badger ‘paths.’
Badger Paths and Bible Manuscripts
Generations upon generations of badgers have followed the same ‘traditional paths’ for hundreds, even thousands of years. Once on a path, badgers rarely use their eyes much as they have a very intimate knowledge of their path system. In Britain, for example, if a new road is constructed, often many badgers may be killed when attempting to cross. The reason for this is that they hate to deviate from the ‘traditional’ ancient paths. If the path was there that their parents had used before the road was built, to the badger, it is still there. Sometimes road construction authorities sympathetic to badgers construct special ‘underpasses’ so badgers can still continue to safely use their old paths without actually crossing the motorways.
Immediately John the Baptist arrived eating locusts and wild honey (badgers love to eat locusts and wild honey), he commenced preaching in the wilderness of Judea (badgers live in the wilderness), he said, “Repent, ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”(Matthew 3:1-4)
There are two separate ‘paths’ of Bible manuscripts, the Traditional Text and the Alexandrian Text. The traditional badger path is identical to the Traditional Text that underlies the King James Bible. This text has been perfectly preserved by a perpetual tradition and handed down to us from generation to generation by genuine believers STRAIGHT from the very apostles themselves. Not so with the corrupt Alexandrian Text which underlies all modern bible versions. This text follows a CROOKED path just like a snake, not coming straight from the apostles themselves, but rather from Alexandria and Rome.
The definition of ‘modernism’ in the Oxford Dictionary is very interesting. ‘Modernism’ means “in the matters of religious belief to subordinate tradition to harmony with modern thought.”
Do the ‘modernist’ scribal vipers producing modern bible versions really have the authority to subordinate tradition to their modern thought? Obviously they think so, for in 2 Thessalonians 2:15 where Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to “…hold the traditions, which ye have been taught…” – the NIV bible version editors have conveniently REMOVED the word “tradition” completely from the text.
It was only after Ananias laid hands on Paul at a street (i.e. ‘path’) called ‘STRAIGHT’ that Paul received his sight and was filled with the Holy Ghost. If you do not have a Bible translated from the Traditional Text of the Holy Scriptures, you have a book of Satan – just like the characters that are running the Alpha course at Holy Trinity Brompton
A thousand books could be written about the miraculous characteristics and attributes of badgers in the Bible, beyond the scope of this book. Nevertheless, here are a few more examples which may be pertinent to the Alpha course, and the exposure of apostate Christian human vipers.
Eyesight of Badgers
Badgers have extremely poor eyesight. Hence, the well-known universal phrase ‘as blind as a badger.’ Some experts believe badgers are not totally blind, but are very shortsighted. It is no coincidence that the Holy Scriptures have been preserved and spread for centuries by Jewish and Christian scribes many of whom have gone nearly blind or have developed extreme shortsightedness from unceasingly studying the Holy Scriptures.
Even today in Israel many Hebrew students develop shortsightedness (myopia) early as the result of the eye incessantly changing focus as the eye approaches and recedes from the Hebrew text.
The apostle Paul said, “for we walk by faith, not by sight…” (2 Corinthians 5:7) Persecution of Badgers and God’s People Badgers are the most persecuted animals on earth. Hence the term, “don’t badger me.” From time immemorial, badgers have been the subject of much evil superstition, hatred and torture. They’ve been rounded up, tortured and killed for fun at major pagan feasts. They’ve been mocked, hounded, baited, castigated and blamed for everything imaginable under the sun – persecuted perpetually without a cause.
Badgers are the ‘barometer’ of the climate in which the Word of God proliferates. In particular, this applies to the free promulgation of the Traditional Text of the Bible. When God’s Word is allowed to proliferate, so do badgers, Jews and genuine Christians. When God’s Word is not allowed to flourish, there is an immediate corresponding sharp increase in the persecution of badgers, Jews and Christians. With the increase in the persecution of badgers comes an immediate decline in their number. When numbers of badgers decline, there is a corresponding dramatic increase in the ‘plagues of Egypt.’ This is because all the animals in the plagues of Egypt leading up to Passover comprise the badger’s diet.
Through the sympathy of Christian people in Britain, and after an eternity of persecution, the BADGERS ACT was finally passed in 1973. As the result of this act there followed a big increase in the number of badgers while they were given a short reprieve for a season. However, as the British people turn away from God, a mass cull of badgers is now imminent. This is because the majority of Britain’s ignorant, heathen farmers erroneously claim that badgers are responsible for spreading TB. Bovine TB is not and has never been a natural occurrence at all in badgers. Contrary to what vested agricultural interests and their experts may say, cattle do not catch TB off badgers. Rather, the reverse is to be true, and if badgers ever contract TB, they get it from cattle. In Britain, unlike the case in the Middle East, badgers’ diet and favorite food is earthworms. They generally seek these at night in farming areas usually under cow-pads in open fields, where they furrow under them with their noses to get at worms. This is how they contract TB from cattle. Cattle, on the other hand, contract and develop TB through the evil machinations of man.
Cattle are now, to begin with, artificially bred. They live a life so unnatural, and their immune system is continually undermined through poor diet, antibiotics and vaccinations, it is a wonder any of them survive at all. This is why cattle get TB. Bovine TB does not come from badgers!
In 1998, Israel’s tuberculosis rate rose almost 50%. Drug resistant forms of the disease are spreading quickly, and perhaps this has a direct significance to Israel’s relationship to their God as well. TB is called the ‘disease of poverty.’ The first time the word ‘poverty’ is used in the Bible is in the account of the 7-year famine in Egypt. On Tuesday, 17 February 2004, The Times newspaper in Britain reported, “Countdown to the Culling” (of badgers). It said, “The government may gas badgers in a mass cull after an emotive plea by farmers to stamp out bovine TB and save British cattle… New laws will be required to allow emergency gassing because badgers have been a protected species since 1973. The official bovine TB trials started in 1999 but the results have been delayed until 2006.” Will this date inaugurate the mass persecution of genuine Christians in Britain? – or even worldwide?
Historically, the persecution of badgers has always been accompanied by the persecution of God’s people. Whenever God’s people have been persecuted with badgers, immediately there has followed an exponential rise in the number and seriousness of ‘plagues of Egypt’ type events. During the time of Moses, the culmination of the ‘plagues of Egypt’ concluded with God’s judgment on the wicked, which led to the destruction of Pharaoh (a type of Antichrist) and the ultimate salvation of Israel.
An interesting point is that the countdown to the proposed gassing and mass culling of badgers, in late 2006, is being ‘synchronized’ to the worldwide completion of the Alpha course program, Alpha International Space Station, final ratification of the EU Constitution, and many other important events as well. Christians need to be vigilant. Mark of Christ or Antichrist?
In Ezekiel chapter nine, the Lord instructed a man clothed in [white] linen to set a mark upon the foreheads of the righteous men of Jerusalem in order the spare them from God’s coming judgment and destruction.
“Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary …”(Ezekiel 9:6)
Paul explains, “From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” (Galatians 6:17)
Then we read in Revelation 7:2-3 of an angel having the seal of the living God, who is instructed to seal the servants of God in their foreheads. In Revelation 14:1 there is a Lamb (capital L) standing on Mount Sion with 144,000 with his Father’s name in their foreheads.
In teaching Israel about Passover God said: “And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD’S law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand the LORD bought thee out of Egypt.” (Exodus13:9) “And it shall be for a token upon thy hand, and for frontlets between thy eyes, that the LORD’s law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt.” (Exodus 13:16)
Is not Antichrist’s 666 mark of the beast in the right hand or in the forehead (temple) mentioned in Revelation 13:16-18, Satan’s ultimate counterfeit of this Godly mark in Ezekiel 9:6? And is not this Godly mark placed in the foreheads of the righteous men of Jerusalem, the very same mark which God has stamped in the forehead of every badger in the name of Y’Shua (Jesus) which covered the tabernacle in the wilderness? After all, Revelation 13:6 says that Antichrist opens his mouth in blasphemy against God, “… to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle …”
Human Vipers
David warned his chief musician, Al-taschith, about the wicked men in the “congregation.”
“The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder [i.e. a deaf adder is a viper] that stoppeth her ear; Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely… as a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.” (Psalm 58:3-8)
“They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips. Selah.” (Psalms 140:3)
On all of these occasions, like many others in Scripture, David did not say that the wicked WERE serpents or deaf adders, he said that they were ‘LIKE’ the animal. In contrast to David, both John the Baptist and Jesus said that the Pharisees were LITERAL vipers!
In Matthew 3:7 John the Baptist said both the Pharisees and Sadducees were literal viper s . In Matthew 12:34 Jesus said the scribes and Pharisees were literal vipers and the same in Matthew 23:33. But in Luke 3:7 John said that the ‘multitude’ themselves were also a literal “generation of vipers.” By definition, they were not simply ‘snakes,’ they were a literal “generation of vipers.” – the deadly killers of the serpent world, not a harmless “bunch of snakes” – as some corrupt scholars, for example, the scribal vipers who wrote the CEV Bible version, would have you believe.
If Jesus and John the Baptist both described the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and the multitude who followed them as LITERAL “vipers,” are not the evil leaders of the Alpha course and the multitude who ignorantly follow them now very much the same?
Human Badgers
When Paul landed on the island of Malta, a center of barbarian and pagan worship, a viper bit him on the hand and he was not harmed. (Acts 28:1-6) The English word ‘badger’ is derived from the French word ‘bashan’ or ‘bashur’ which means ‘digger.’ The words ‘badge’ and ‘badgering’ are also closely related with the animal itself.
In the dark ages of English history the gentry of the parish council could allocate a small amount of money weekly as relief to the destitute. The recipients being compelled to wear a ‘badge’ on their sleeves denoting the fact. From this practice came the expression ‘badgering.’ The words ‘badger’ or ‘badge’ are synonymous with IDENTIFICATION. Throughout history both Jews and genuine Christians have been targeted by the heathen for identification with demonic marks and badges.
During the Nazi Holocaust, Jews were required to wear a yellow Jewish Star of David badge on their left breast to identify themselves before being loaded onto cattle wagons and sent to the death camps. Hitler, paradoxically, like Nebuchadnezzar, was simply a servant of the Lord used to bring divine judgment on them for rejecting the badge of Christ in their foreheads). Yellow is one of the chief livery colors of the Devil, the Babylonian Jewish Star of David is one of the ancient emblems of the pagan sungod, and in witchcraft the left breast is consecrated to the worship of the sun. There are twelve yellow stars also on the EU flag. The apostate Christian Church could well remember that. So should European Jewry.
Badgers live in groups averaging 12 (unlike lions who average 10.) Badgers live in underground tunnels that they dig themselves called setts. Many setts have been inhabited by generations of badgers for hundreds of years. Similarly, the true Church of Christ throughout history has been an ‘underground’ church.
Badgers are the most social and hospitable animals on earth. Members of other setts are always welcome to stay in the sett of another. This unique characteristic is not normally practiced by other animals including humans that are fiercely territorial – except Christians in the underground church. (Romans 12:13 and 1 Peter 4:9) In Ezekiel 13:4, Israel’s lying prophets are likened to ‘foxes’ in the deserts. In Luke 13:32, Jesus refers to Herod as a ‘fox.’ These individuals are the ‘squatters’ in the land of Israel. They’re there, but they shouldn’t be there! Like lying prophets and Herod, foxes (because they are sly and lazy diggers), will often inhabit unused space in badger setts right alongside badgers, but if the foxes become too intrusive – the badgers will boot them out (as they should, because foxes are like false prophets). As Britain turns away from God, it is only inevitable that foxes (and false prophets) will be protected, and badgers (and God’s people) will be persecuted. It is not without significance that British PM Tony Blair, who was Chairman of the Fabian Society before he became Prime Minister – (we remember the Fabian Society coat of arms is a wolf in sheep’s clothing) in November 2004 passed a contentious Act of Parliament to protect foxes to be implemented in 2005-2006 – the very same time that the proposed gassing of badgers is also planned to be initiated throughout Britain.
Badgers which die naturally, die in their setts. When a badger dies, other badgers will excavate a side tunnel, drag the dead body into it and seal it up with earth. In Jerusalem, many of the prophets have been buried in a similar manner in caves or underground. So too, genuine Christians in the catacombs underground during Roman persecution.
Throughout the Bible God’s people are continually referred to as “diggers.” The Philistines (now Palestinians) on the other hand were the opposite. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were all ‘well-diggers,’ but the Philistines filled the wells in with earth. (Genesis 26:15, 26:18, 26:19)
Isaiah 51:1 summarizes; “Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.”
Jesus said, “Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built a house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon the house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without foundation built a house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:47-49) [Note: there is no digging associated with the unwise man’s house.]
In Jesus’ parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16: 1-13, the steward said within himself, “What shall I do? for my Lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.” (Luke 16:3)
In the catacombs in Rome, persecuted Christians, like the Fossars, possessed a ‘badger-like’ instinct to guide them through the infinite labyrinth of passages underground. Like badgers, Christians would come out only at night for food, and when there was the first inkling of danger, they would instantly retreat down into their underground homes. While in the catacombs, persecuted Christians lived in little community groups, just like badgers still do today.
In darkness or poor light conditions, badgers identify each other quickly by the characteristic pure white mark on their forehead. At night, badgers are easily alarmed by light at ground level (for example, a torch shone at them). However, if the light is directed at them steadily from a position above, they will not be alarmed. Badgers seldom will react with alarm at all if the light is passed through a red filter. (The inner covering of the tabernacle in the wilderness was made of rams’ skins dyed red, the outer covering was made of badgers’ skins).
Jesus said to the Jews, scribes and Pharisees: “…I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life,” (John 8:12), he continued, “…ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.” (John 8:23)
Badgers and Israel’s Rosh Hashana (Feast of Trumpets)
Previously, under the sub-section on “badgers’ reproduction and Christ’s second coming,’ I Thessalonians 4:16-18 and Joshua 6:16 were linked together involving the ‘shout’ and ‘trump’ associated with the heart-rending, penetrating, long drawn out, awful, piercing, scream, yell or shout of the badger.
Well, when Joshua took Jericho, the priests were obediently carrying the ark of the covenant according to Moses special instructions, in badgers’ skins. The last trumpet sounded by the priests was a long, drawn out blast and combined with the ‘great shout’ of the people of Israel, simultaneously reproduced the badger’s heart-rending scream or yell.
According to Joshua 6:5, the last trumpet blast sounded by the seven priests was to be a LONG BLAST. The people shouted precisely WHEN (not before or after) the last, long, drawn-out blast sounded (Joshua 6:20)
In Israel’s feast called Rosh Hashana (Feast of Trumpets) [representative of the second coming of Jesus Christ], Israel is reminded that blowing the shofar (ram’s horn trumpet) has a number of very special purposes. These are: 1) As a warning of coming judgment. 2) Symbol of the sound of battle. 3) Remember the ram of Isaac’s sacrifice. 4) To arouse fear of judgment. 5) Symbolizes the final re-gathering of Israel. 6) Symbol of resurrection from the dead. 7) Day of renewing bond between God and Israel. When badgers scream or yell, they scream until there is no more breath in them. When the priests of Israel sound the last great trumpet blast at Rosh Hashana (as the Jewish Rabbis still do at the present day) they blow until there is no more breath left in them.
When Joshua’s seven priests, accompanied by the badgers’ skins, sounded the last, long, heart-rending blast and the people shouted a great shout at Jericho – there also was no more breath left in them. Immediately the last trumpet sounded and the people shouted, the walls fell down flat, and the people WENT UP INTO THE CITY (Joshua 6:20). This is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ’s second coming.
Joshua in Hebrew means ‘Jehovah saves.’ Matthew 1:21 says: “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Paul, in speaking about the resurrection of the saints and Christ’s second coming said; “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: [i.e. the ‘last trump’] and the dead in Christ [i.e. without breath] shall rise first.” (I Thessalonians 4:16)
Finally, one last point in relation to the Feast of Trumpets and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The extremely variable scream of a vixen (female fox) in many respects is similar to a badger’s. Errors in identification are often made by those who have an untrained ear – and who have a low level of discernment regarding false prophets!
Wilderness Dung Pits
Badgers are the cleanest and most hygienic animals in the world. Badgers are obsessively preoccupied with cleanliness and hygiene around home. They dig special communal pits where they defecate. These pits are funnel shaped, about 150mm deep and about the same diameter at the top. When a pit becomes full of dung, another is dug nearby. Unlike dogs, for example, badgers will not relieve themselves anywhere. They keep their territory clean. Cubs use these pits within a few days of their appearance above ground.
Pits may be found close to the home sett or far away at other strategic places on the home range. The importance badgers place on these communal dung pits can be highlighted by the prominent paths that lead to them. Sometimes these paths may travel hundreds of meters. Occasionally, with some setts, no trace of dung pits may be found nearby. In these situations the badgers defecate below ground in unused side chambers of the sett.
God spoke to Israel in the wilderness:
“And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee: For the LORD thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee.” (Deuteronomy 23:13-14) In the days of Nehemiah, after the Lord re-gathered his people from exile in Babylon, one of the first jobs to attend to was to rebuild the Dung Gate of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:14)
During the Diaspora, before Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948, raw sewage literally littered and ran through the streets everywhere in the Old City of Jerusalem. One of the first jobs attended to by the Israelis was to rebuild and install a new sewage system and clean up the Dung Gate.
The apostle Paul warned the Philippians to “beware of dogs” and evil workers (Philippians 3:2) and said, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count but dung, that I may win Christ.” (Philippians 3:8)
Badgers are the Archaeologists of the Animal World
Badger setts will often be dug into places where man has previously disturbed the soil even if the soil was disturbed centuries earlier. They have an uncanny ability, as expert diggers, to find such locations. This habit of choosing such areas often results in badgers excavating and unearthing ancient archaeological sites. In this sense badgers are the archaeologists of the animal kingdom.
Badgers and ThornsThe type of cover found in the vicinity of badger setts may vary greatly according to geographic location and so on. However, there is one predominant characteristic exhibited more than any other. In most countries over 70% of setts are located near nettles, elders, blackberries, wild raspberries or hempnettle. Often blackberries and raspberries include part of the badger’s diet. Their thick skin makes them immune to the sharp prickles of briars and thorns. The stinging hairs of nettles cannot penetrate their thick hairy coat. Occasionally they may get a prick or two, but generally these noxious plants are not a worry to them and they are encountered simply as part of normal day-to-day living.
In many ways the badger’s close association with these noxious plants is replicated with the people of God. David said, “But the sons of Belial shall be all them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands.” (2 Samuel 23:6)
Ezekiel spoke to the rebellious house of Israel and said, “And thou, son of man, be not afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.” (Ezekiel 2:6)
The prophet Micah lamented: “The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge:..” (Micah 7:4)
Finally, Zephaniah warned, “…Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and salt-pits, and a perpetual desolation…This shall they have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the LORD of Hosts.” (Zephaniah 2:9-10) In the New Testament, the apostle Paul confided: “…there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” (2 Corinthians 12:7)
Christ’s Church was founded by a Savior who was crowned with a crown of thorns on his head. The King James Bible 1611 was largely translated in the Jerusalem Chamber of Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is built on a remote area of land called the Isle of Thorns. The site was originally surrounded by marshes and creeks connected to the nearby River Thames. Adjoining the Jerusalem Chamber of Westminster Abbey is the Samaria Room. This is the ‘prayer room’ of the Abbey and was used as such by the King James Bible translators. The primary root Hebrew word ‘shamar” from which the Hebrew ‘shomrown’ – ‘Samaria’ is translated means “to hedge about with thorns.” The “Christianized” word ‘Thames,’ is transliterated and derived from Tammuz, the Hebrew name for the Babylonian sun-god mentioned in (Ezekiel 8:14).
King James originally appointed 54 leading scholars to his translation committee. The number 54 was inadvertently or not a follow-on from the paganism of the Roman Catholic Church’s 54 beaded rosary (consecrated to the mother-earth/moon goddess Mary’s lunar year). For one reason or another, God removed exactly 6 men from the committee during the translation. King James had no control over this as some of the members had died. In his monumental book, The Men Behind the King James Version, p. 75, Gustavus S. Paine vividly explains that 47 translators out of the original 54 are named on the chief lists that have come down to us. However, he says, the name of William Thorne should be added to the list, thus bringing the total to 48. Why then only 48 men?
The tabernacle of the Lord in the wilderness was covered with badgers’ skins and held up by 48 boards of shittim wood. Twenty boards on either side and eight at the end (Exodus 36:20-34). The boards were all overlaid with gold and made to STAND UP. There were 48 cities in total given to the Levites, the royal priesthood (Numbers 35:7). Inside the tabernacle was the ark of the testimony (covenant) which contained the two tables of stone on which were the ten commandments – God’s Word. The ark of the testimony was also made of shittim wood, and overlaid with pure gold within and without. Shittim wood speaks volumes about the thorny frailty of man.
Similarly, these 48 upright boards and 48 cities of the royal priesthood foreshadowed the 48 upright men who, in their frailty and weakness, translated the King James Bible and laid the golden foundation pillars of the Protestant Church, which broke the yoke of Rome, and gave the world the English language and English Bible.
But alas, after nearly 400 years, the once great Protestant Church has apostatized, become even worse than Rome or Israel before it, and gone back to thorns and the pagan worship of Tammuz. Consider what Ezekiel said regarding Israel, and see if it now applies to the apostate Protestant Church of England in London – now! (excerpts taken from Ezekiel 16):
“Son of man, cause Jerusalem (remember the Jerusalem Chamber) to know her abominations… I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers’ skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk… Thus was thou decked with gold and silver; and thy raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and embroidered work; thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil: and thou wast exceedingly beautiful, and thou didst prosper into a kingdom… (i.e.., the United Kingdom).
But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pourest out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was… and it came to pass after all thy wickedness, (woe, woe unto thee! saith the Lord GOD.)”
Rowan Williams was initiated PUBLICLY into the Druid Guild of Wales by the Arch-Druid High Priest of Wales immediately before he was enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury in 2003. Rowan Williams is not a Christian, but is a Druid high priest. He supports homosexual and women priests and bishops, and doesn’t believe the Bible. Ezekiel continues; “And thine elder sister is Samaria, she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand: and thy younger sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is Sodom and her daughters.
Yet, hast thou not walked after their ways, nor done after their abominations: but, as if that were a very little thing, thou wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways.
As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.” Before Joshua led the children of Israel in to possess the land that was promised to them, God warned Moses;
“But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it will come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.” (Numbers 33:55-56)
This is now happening to the United Kingdom – to the United States – to the apostate Protestant church – to these former great Christian nations. Before Westminster Abbey was built, and subsequently the Protestant King James Bible was published, all that existed on the site were Druid priests and heathen worshippers of father Thames (Tammuz). Remove Christ and badgers’ skins from Scripture and the church and all that will be left are briars and thorns to be burned. Unless the British people quickly repent, this is soon going to happen.
Badgers, Jews and Nazi Persecution
Not only are badgers identified with the Church, badgers are representative of Israel and the Jewish people.
While the Jewish people have been in the Diaspora, and ‘badgered’ from pillar to post because of their rebellion and unbelief, there have been virtually no badgers in Israel. While the Jews have been dispersed and left without a country that they can call home, so too, the badger community in Israel.
Badgers’ skins have been used for household articles by pagans for centuries and centuries. Similarly, the Nazi Third Reich used the skins of murdered Jews for table lamps and household articles in their Final Solution. Badger hair has for centuries and centuries been used for shaving brushes and household articles. So too the hair of Jews under persecution.
On 6 August 1942, Glucks, SS-Brigadefuhrer and Generalmajor der Waffen-SS issued a directive to the Commandants of the Nazi concentration camps, entitled, “Re: Use of Hair Cuttings.” In this somber directive was a stark, unforgettable sentence; “Long hair could facilitate escape and to avoid this, the camp commandants may have a middle parting shaved in the prisoners’ hair, as a distinguishing mark, if they think it necessary.”
This just happens to be the precise location of the pure white hair distinguishing mark on a badgers’ forehead!
When the Soviet Army liberated Auschwitz Concentration Camp at the end of the war, they found in the magazines about 7000 kilograms of human hair. This was only a small remnant of which the camp authorities had not managed to send to the Bavarian factories.
In the Final Solution, the principal method of exterminating Jews was through ‘gassing.’ And so too, the same thing is being planned to exterminate badger setts today in Britain.
The Nazis planned to exterminate every Jew on earth and as the liquidation program got fully under way, gassing was considered to be too slow and inefficient. Himmler tried sterilization procedures so that the Jews could no longer reproduce their species, but this was found to be too slow and cumbersome. At the end of the war, the Nazis were experimenting with ‘vaccines’ in Block 46 at Buchenwald. Wolfram von Sievers and Dr. Eugen Haagen, both later executed for crimes against humanity, were in charge of these evil programs.
The same thing could very easily happen again, but this time the evil will likely be attempted through the UN or EU led by the apostate Protestant British. Reason: sterilization and vaccines with gassing are now being considered to exterminate all badgers in Britain after late 2006! (See copy of news clips in Illustrations) By the grace of God, the proposed “gassing” of badgers in Britain may be delayed past 2006. But be assured, when it comes, this signifies the beginning of persecution for Jews and Christians.
The ‘badger’ and the ‘viper’ are only two words out of thousands of individual words modern bible versions have deceptively removed from the King James Bible. The NIV editors have removed over 64,000 words alone from the KJV. This is equivalent to removing 30 of the smallest books of the total 66 books in the canon of Scripture. Dear reader, can you now begin to appreciate how vitally important it is not to tamper with God’s precious word? Every single word in the Bible is so full of richness and deep meaning we should not touch any of them no matter how seemingly unimportant or insignificant they may seem.
In the next chapter, we will look at just how miraculous the KJV “mark of the badger” is in God’s wonderful plan of salvation, how it relates to Israel, the Church, and the left-handed prophets of Baal
Jerusalem and Israel are at the heart of God’s plan of salvation for mankind. Whilethe Jewish people and citizens of Jerusalem have often rejected God, as they largely still do to the present day, in his amazing mercy and grace God still has not totally rejected them.
Tragically, many today believe that the ‘Church’ or ‘Anglo-Saxon’ races have replaced Israel in God’s prophetic plan of salvation according to the Bible. Subsequently, they largely believe that the modern State of Israel, complete with its now predominantly secular Jewish-Israeli inhabitants, is illegitimate or a counterfeit. This could not be further from the truth.
While it is true that many unbelieving, secular Jews such as the Rothschilds or Warburgs have been instrumental in founding and funding the modern State of Israel, and Revelation 11:8 describes modern Jerusalem in its final, prophesied wicked state as “spiritually…Sodom and Egypt” – God has never ever completely removed his precious name from Jerusalem or totally rejected Israel. Even while the Jewish people (because of their incredible sin and unbelief) have been in the Diaspora, the Lord has never ever removed his name from Jerusalem. Ezekiel’s prophecies are so plain: “But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; I do this not for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for my holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and I will bring you into your own land.
Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.” (Ezekiel 3:21-25) To be able to “sprinkle clean water upon Israel” God must first bring his people back to their own land while they are still yet largely in a filthy state of rebellious UNBELIEF – and this is exactly what he has done since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.
In Ezekiel 36:3, God plainly tells us that it is ultimately HE ALONE that has rebuilt the ruined places in Israel and brought his people back – not Hertzl, Rothschild, British Freemasonry, League of Nations, UN, EU, Zionism, or anybody else. This is in spite of the fact that Queen Elizabeth II, (a modern Queen Jezebel) through her devious City of London domiciled banks and their American branch subsidiaries now virtually own every square inch of Israel through Netanyahu’s State Asset Privatization Program. The next sub-section needs to be written, but it must be understood in this context and that of Revelation 17:17 which says “God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will.”
British Control of Israel
The New Zealand Herald, September 23, 2004, p. A18, published the final of a three-part article by journalist Fran O’Sullivan entitled, Roger’s Recipe Makes a Convert, in which Benjamin Netanyahu, a Freemason and former Prime Minister of Israel, explained who gave him the inspiration to implement Israel’s breathtaking public sector state assets privatization. In the article, Netanyahu credits New Zealand’s former Labour Party Minister of Finance, Sir Roger Douglas, as his chief inspiration. Netanyahu has modeled Israel’s dramatic “privatization” reforms directly from the recommendations promoted in Douglas’s radical book, Unfinished Business. In attributing all of his reforms in Israel to New Zealand’s model, he said, “But actually, if I look for a country with a few million people with no traversable land borders that has undergone a great transition from a controlled economy to a market economy, then the first country I would look at is New Zealand. You are responsible for the great transition that we are doing.”
Fran O’Sullivan says, “Citigroup has put Netanyahu on its list of economic heroes.” It should, because Citigroup is another giant US bank controlled from London. We remember, in chapter 4, how Sir Deryck C. Maughan, Vice-Chairman of Citigroup New York, attended the Trilateral Meeting in Washington DC on April 5-8, 2002, with all the other British despots, devious Lord's’ and rapacious Knights of the Sovereign’s Round Table.
Who is Roger Douglas? Not only is he a Knight and vassal of the Queen, he has been responsible for the unconscionable privatization and sell-off of New Zealand’s “family silver” and major public assets to City of London-controlled transnational corporations in a program mockingly referred to by the general population in New Zealand as “Rogernomics.”
In his book first published in 1993, Sir Roger affectionately refers to his close Labour colleagues, David Caygill, Richard Prebble and Mike Moore. All three at the time were members of Parliamentarians for Global Action, formally called Parliamentarians for World Order. Moore went on to become the Director General of the World Trade Organization. In his acknowledgments at the beginning of the book, Sir Roger notes the five individuals who read the early draft. Two of these were Roger Kerr and Alan Gibbs, both members of the Roundtable. As at October 2004, Roger Kerr was Chief Executive of the New Zealand Business Roundtable.
Since retiring from the New Zealand Parliament, Roger Douglas has been contracted as a consultant by the World Bank to advise on “privatization” programs around the world including Brazil and the restructuring of Russia and the Soviet States.
He is a Fabian Socialist like his late father, who was a member of the Fabian Society, whose coat of arms is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Not only do the Bible’s somber warnings about “wolves” apply to the Church, in an incredible way they now also apply directly to Israel.
Increasingly, modern authors are claiming that it is predominantly Israel or the Vatican that is the chief instigator behind the world’s numerous growing problems. This could not be further from the truth. The fact is, most of Israel’s wicked leaders are members of the Grand Lodge of Israel, a sub-branch of the Grand Lodge of England. Israel’s leading Masons regularly attend Great Hall meetings in London. When Netanyahu’s Fabian Socialist “privatization” of Israel is completed, City of London banks with their American sub-branches will completely own and dominate Israel, similar to the period which existed at the time of Christ under Roman dominion. Funding for the re-establishment and development of Israel from the time of the Balfour Declaration has been directed from London. While the United States Government has donated billions of dollars to Israel over the years, and at present this is running at about $US10 million per day, (much to the chagrin of many Americans), the funding is still being directed from London. This is because the US Treasury and Federal Reserve that prints and supplies the money are not owned by the American Government or taxpayer, but by the British oligarchs.
Sir Alan Greenspan, a Jew, and the long-time Governor of the Federal Reserve is not a British Knight for nothing. The major shareholding in the US Federal Reserve and its regional reserve banks is owned and controlled by British banks or their subsidiaries, so the whole setup is a scam.
Presently Israel’s public assets, like those of every other country throughout the world, including even Britain’s, are being sold off to the highest bidder. The highest bidder, of course, just happens to be one of the many foreign companies and corporations that are funded directly or indirectly by City of London banks. Because of Israel’s sin, Jeremiah prophesied that this was all going to happen. (Lamentations 5:1-5,8)
The privatization of Israel’s assets commenced in 1988 when 75 per cent of Paz Oil was sold off to an Australian Jew, Jack Lieberman. In 1989, the Likud-Labour coalition Government, using the same old story spouted by other similar puppet governments all around the world, announced plans to sell off more than 20 major Government-owned firms “to help Israel to pay off the foreign debt,” which at the time amounted to about $US25 billion.
The second major state-asset sold off by Israel’s privatization drive was Jerusalem Economic Corporation (JEC) to the New York-based Bear Stearns Bank. The sale was approved by a parliamentary committee in September 1989. JEC owned several industrial properties in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
When Benjamin Netanyahu was elected Israel’s prime minister in May 1996, he unveiled the ambitious economic program based on deregulation and the privatization of Israel’s key state-owned assets to complete the unconscionable sell-off of the country’s “family silver.” At the time he said he intended to raise Sh4 billion in 1997 alone from the sale of state-owned companies, compared with 1996’s paltry official Sh300 million.
At the time Netanyahu said his government would issue tenders to sell between 25 per cent and 69 per cent of Bank Hapoalim, Israel’s largest bank. Based on shareholder equity at the time, the sale was thought to bring in between Shk2 billion and Shk5.4 billion. As it turned out, Hapoalim was privatized in September 1997, selling a 43 per cent share to a group of investors led by Israeli-American billionaire Ted Arison. The buyers took an option to purchase another 21.5 per cent of Hapoalim in 18 months time. Hapoalim at the time when it was sold had 11,700 employees.
Netanyahu said that the government intended to sell Bank Leumi, Israel’s second largest bank, and also Israel Discount Bank, and Bezeq, the state-owned telecommunications network and Israel Electric Corporation – and the list goes on and on.
Who were advising P.M. Netanyahu behind the scenes on these sales? Lehman Brothers, the US investment bank, and Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) of course! As already outlined in a previous chapter, UBS is owned and controlled by the British Rothschilds. It merged with S.G. Warburg in 1996/1997 to become UBSWarburg, whose two vice-chairmen, just happen to be two City of London Jews – Ken Costa and Sir Leon Brittan.
Sir Leon is a former EU Commissioner and Ken Costa is chairman of Alpha Partners, the international funding arm of the Alpha course. More recently, another global banking giant, Credit Suisse First Boston (CS First Boston), has been involved with Israel’s privatization program as well. As at February 2004, the former British Prime minister, the Right Hon. John Major, was CS Boston’s Senior Financial Advisor.
The likes of JP Morgan Chase, (which was formed in 2000 when Chase Manhattan bought JP Morgan & Co for $33 billion and renamed itself), UBS-Warburg, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, ABN Amro, Goldman Sachs, Lazard, HSBC, and Dresdner Kleinwort are all British Rothschild affiliated City of London banking giants. Although ostensibly public companies, in many cases their real controlling shareholding is held in secret, “City of London street names,” nominee companies and trusts. These are the giant banking pirates and despots who are responsible for funding the Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) privatization program in every country of the world – including Australia, Britain, Canada, China, Europe, Italy, Iraq, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, Russia, USA, the Vatican Bank and ISRAEL! Right now, both the Pope and Israel’s Masonic P.M. are City of London Masonic puppets, who give the impression that they are really in control of their flocks, when really the are not.
It is significant that a man called Benjamin Netanyahu at a time of Israel’s greatest apostasy and impending judgment is selling off the nation’s assets, “family silver,” and royal heritage to a foreign, Protestant, Gentile, British Monarch. In Hebrew, Benjamin means ‘son of the right hand,’ and Netanyahu means ‘God has given him.’ (Netan ‘gave,’ Yah ‘God,’ hu ‘he’) Literally Benjamin Netanyahu means: ‘God has given him a son of the right hand.’ The misuse of the Hebrew name Benjamin Netanyahu symbolizes Israel’s apostasy and soon-coming final “time of travail and sorrow,” its proper use – Israel’s deliverance from the famine in Egypt, their reuniting with “Joseph” and their final salvation as a nation – when they will truly become like the apostle Paul, of the tribe of Benjamin, true “sons of the right hand” of the living God.
Not only does the maniacal, Masonic, apostate British Sovereign control Rome, her/his aim is to fully control Jerusalem in the near future, and both physically and spiritually possess Israel. Ultimately her/his aim is to gain and seduce the entire world. Ridiculous really, because the Bible tells us that the world is the Lord’s alone! This can be no better illustrated than through God’s unconditional “love affair” with Israel, and especially his “eternal city,” Jerusalem, in which he has permanently placed his name.
God’s Name Permanently in Jerusalem
If Benjamin Netanyahu fully understood that God has PERMANENTLY placed his name in Jerusalem, he would not be treacherously selling off Jerusalem and Israel to Godless foreigners. He would not be in favor of transferring part of Israel’s Biblical royal grant to the Palestinians. And if the apostate Christian church understood this also they would not be supporting such policies.
Jerusalem is a very old city indeed. The establishment of the city even predates the creation of the Jewish people and Israel and Judah. It was very old even before Abraham came to visit – long before Abraham met Melchizedek there, long before it became the City of David.
I Kings 11:32-36 records that God has chosen Jerusalem as the city above all others in the world, even in Israel, where he has chosen to put his name there. Reflecting on this, and the heart of God, the writer of Psalms 137:5 says, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” Why would God allow such a statement to be said about his own right hand? Literally he would then be saying that he should no longer be God if he forgets Jerusalem.
Isaiah 51:16 reflects that God covers the city with his hand. If Jerusalem is totally destroyed or un-retrievable, then there is not a city in the entire world to which Christ can return because Jerusalem is the modern-day signature of the truth of the Bible. Jerusalem is the very centerpiece of God’s plan of salvation for all mankind. Earthly Jerusalem prefigures the eternal, “new Jerusalem” mentioned in the book of Revelation. Revelation 3:12 records;
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.”
Hebrew Letter Shin [ ש] = Jesus Christ
What is the Lord’s “new name”? It is Y’shua ‘Jesus.’ How do we know? We know because the Old City of Jerusalem is geographically stamped with the Hebrew letter “Shin” – Y’shua in it, just like it is miraculously stamped in the forehead of the humble badger!
If you look at a topographical map of Jerusalem, looking north from above, you will see that the Hebrew letter “Shin” [ ש] (looks like a ‘w’) is irreversibly cut into the city of Jerusalem by three Biblical valleys. Forming the left hand of the “Shin” is the Hinnom Valley, in the middle is the Tyropean Valley and on the right hand is the Kidron Valley. In Biblical days if you wanted to insult a person you told them to “go to Hinnom.”
Why was this an insult? The Hinnom Valley was the area where the city’s refuge dump was established. The dung, garbage and all the stinking refuge were taken there. There were worms, dogs, fires – the mess was rotting and burning continually and there was an abundance of flies. A very apt description of the concept of Hell.
The ancient curse telling someone to “go to Hinnom” is actually the equivalent of the modern day curse when someone or something is told to go to hell. The Hebrew word “Hinnom” translated into Greek becomes ‘geenna’ the New Testament word for hell. The Hinnom Valley makes up the LEFT SIDE of the “Shin” and the LEFT SIDE of the city of Jerusalem. When Jesus said, “…how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33) he was referring to Hinnom.
On the other side, the RIGHT SIDE is the Temple Mount where God manifested himself. Both the Tabernacle in the wilderness (covered with badgers’ skins and the letter “Shin”) and the First Temple are recorded to have experienced the ten manifestations of God’s presence. On the RIGHT SIDE is the Mount of Olives. In Genesis 1:10, we are told that God created the Earth on the third day. Later, on the sixth day, he created the living creatures on the Earth (including badgers and snakes) and man. (Genesis 1:24-31). Before he put the “Shin” [ ש] in the forehead of the badger, before he created man, God put the “Shin” in Jerusalem. Long before he created Israel and gave Jerusalem to Israel and the Jewish people, he put the “Shin,” the name of Y’shua in Jerusalem. This is why his ultimate desire is to have Jerusalem as a city of blessing for all peoples – not just for his Jewish people, but for Gentiles as well. Even before the foundation of the world God put his name there.
This is why in Hebrew, the city of God is called YeruShalayim – the “city of the Shin” – the city of Y’Shua – the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why the tabernacle in the wilderness, the tabernacle of the Lord, was covered with badgers’ skins – sealed with the “Shin” [ ש] of Jerusalem.
This explains why the Lord Jesus Christ during his ministry said, “… for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17:24).
Paul said, “… he (God) hath chosen us in him ( Y’Shua – Jesus) before the foundation of the world.” (Ephesians 1:4) – “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our own works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” (2 Timothy 1:9)
Pagan Sun Worship and the Left Hand
In Jerusalem, facing north, the sun rises in the east (right hand) and sets in the west (left hand). To turn away from God, to worship and follow the sun, one must turn to the left hand.
This is why Aaron and his sons were anointed with the blood of a ram (representative of Jesus Christ – the Lamb of God) on the tip of the right ear; thumb of their right hand and upon the great toe of their right foot (Exodus 29:20). This is why the fat of the ram’s LEFT SHOULDER WAS REJECTED from the consecrated offering in Exodus 29:22 – the very same LEFT SHOULDER Alpha’s bright red serpent Question Mark is carried on as well. This is why the venomous vipers who have translated modern Bibles have changed “shoulder” to “thigh” in Exodus 29:22 and then removed “hip and thigh” in Judges 15:8 in the NIV.
The heathen “Mother and Child” Madonna images and statues of the Mother-earth goddess throughout the world (in Babylon known as Semiramis, in Egypt as Isis, in India as Isi, and Asia as Cybele, in secular Rome as Fortuna, in Greece as Ceres, in China as Shing Moo, in Roman Catholicism as the Virgin Mary) holding the young Rising-sun-god boy (in Babylon known as Tammuz or Bacchus, in Egypt as Horus, or Osiris, in India as Iswara, in Asia as Deoius, in secular Rome as Jupiter, in Greece as Plutus, in Roman Catholicism as the Baby-Jesus) – ALL show the personified pagan Rising-sun-god as a boy in the LEFT arm, on the LEFT shoulder, on the LEFT breast of the Mother Earth Queen of Heaven – and more often than not, her head is turned to the LEFT as she worships and follows the SUN.
All of the pagan sun-worshippers of the world symbolize their rebellion, ignorance and rejection of God by following the sun’s left-hand path. When Israel apostatized they sacrificed their children to Molech, whose sanctuary was in the Hinnom Valley, the left hand of Jerusalem (2 Kings 23:10). Queen Elizabeth II wears her heathen red (sun) or blue (moon) riband over her left-shoulder. The emblem of the Order of the Garter, dominated by the red Cross of St. George (the old Roman emblem of Jupiter) is worn on the left arm or shoulder by the Queen, Prince Charles and the Masonic Knights of the Garter. Traditionally, all British soldiers on enlistment over the centuries have ignorantly given their Oath of Allegiance to God, King and Country – and ST.GEORGE (Jupiter).
Virtually all of the heathen badges, medals or honors of the world, both military and civilian, monarchy or republican, are worn on the left breast, arm or shoulder and are predominantly sun-god symbols. All British military medals are worn on the left breast or shoulder. The same with the European nations and Russia, the UN and EU as well. Derived from Babylon’s armies, all military marches begin with the left foot forward “left-right, left-right, left right etc.” as the ignorant soldiers march, fight for and follow the sun.
In the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon, Washington, DC, are displayed America’s three highest military medals. They are all satanic inverted pentagrams carried on 13-star ribbons – worn on the left breast – which indicate that the ignorant recipients fight not for the God of the Bible, but for the heathen sun-god and Satan. This fact alone should persuade all genuine Christians not to fight in the military – of any nation! Take a look at Hitler’s Nazi administration. Hitler wore his Maltese cross and swastika sun- god badges on his left breast. From the top to the bottom of the military, the Nazi sun-god swastika emblem was worn on an armband just below the left shoulder.
Albert Pike, the patriarch of American Scottish Rite Freemasonry, has a memorial dedicated to him in Judiciary Square off Indiana Ave, 3rd and D Streets, Washington DC. At the top of the memorial is a statue of Pike standing up – with left foot forward following the sun.
In Washington Cathedral, Washington DC, there is a demonic statue of George Washington placed there by 33° Freemasons. Like Pike, he too is shown standing with left foot forward following the sun.
Following on from Washington and Pike, President George Bush Junior and his American cohorts in their post 9/11 ‘war against terror,’ symbolized their rebellion in wearing a demonic badge of the American flag – also on their left shoulder. The stripes on the US flag represent the rays of the sun. From time immemorial, all the heathen religions and nations of the world have followed the left hand path of the sun. The American Red Indians always dance in a counter-clockwise direction – following their left hand as they worship the sun. Even right from the very beginning God knew that when men rejected him as Creator, they would turn to the left hand and worship the sun. This is why he REJECTED the ram’s left shoulder in Exodus 29:22 – and this is why he has REJECTED the Alpha course sun-god logo – which shows Jupiter carrying a bright red serpent Question Mark sun-god emblem – in his left hand and on his left shoulder – with left foot forward following the left hand path as he worships the sun.
During the time of Jonah, the general population in Ninevah had even become so IGNORANT, they couldn’t even “discern between their right hand and their left hand.” (Jonah 4:11) Apart from informed Christians, and a handful of opposing leaders in the satanic priesthood, tragically, the majority of people today are very much the same.
2004 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony and the Number 6
Perhaps it goes without saying, that the principal object of the Olympic Games is to unite the world together to worship the pagan sun-god, (Greek name: Olympus-Zeus), and the mother-earth goddess, (Greek name: Athena). The main feature of the 2004 Games closing ceremony was a giant NUMBER 6 formed on the arena floor from corn or wheat-stalks. The number 6 in the Bible is the number of man. It is also the Babylonian number of the sun, especially the number 666. The number 6 symbolizes the journey of the sun around the zodiac, and is written in an anti-clockwise direction from the right hand to the left hand. Athena, the Greek virgin goddess of wisdom and patron of Athens, bore on her left-arm the aegis with Medusa’s head, which according to mythology, was cut off by Perseus, son of Zeus, the Greek sun god. The goddess Medusa changed her hair into hideous serpents, the symbols of the rays of the sun. LOTTO, 666 and the Left-Handed Prophets of Baal
When the ignorant masses of the world play LOTTO, they repetitiously fill-in their forms, with 6 vertical strokes of the pen. These 6 vertical strokes are the Universal Product Code and computer bar-code symbol for 666, the emblem of the sun and occult Star of Saturn – the number of Antichrist – the coming world king. In Babylon, the zodiac was divided up into 12 signs through which the sun traveled each year. These signs were further divided up into three parts of 10 degrees each called decans, to which a god or genius was assigned. The sum total of 36 decans represented the full 360 degrees traveled by the sun. When the numbers of all the 36 decans or gods were added together (i.e., 1+2+3+4 etc.) the total numerical value of the pagan zodiac added up to 666. The Babylonian priests used this occult numbering system on their sun-god numbering boards to calculate the circuit of the sun around the zodiac and formulate the first calendars.
The letters ‘X’ and ‘S’ have long been occult symbols of the sun. The three letters SSS were the Greek symbol of the goddess Isis. LOTTO is simply “Lot” plus “X” plus “S” or “Lot” plus “T” and “O” the esoteric symbols which make up the Crux Ansata – the emblem of the Egyptian sun-god. The game of LOTTO was originally played in ancient Rome using wooden divinatory tablets called sortes dedicated to the goddess Fortuna. After the Roman soldiers had crucified the Lord, they “cast lots” for Jesus’ coat (John 19:23-24). This “casting lots” was the product of the worship of the goddess Fortuna through playing what we now call LOTTO. Jesus warned in Luke 17:26-32 events would become like they were in the days of Noah and LOT. All modern LOTTO players, whether they know it or not, are consecrating themselves to the left-hand worship of the sun – and the number 666.
Left Hand of Jerusalem and Alpha’s Priests of Baal
When righteous king Josiah gathered all the elders, priests, prophets and inhabitants of Jerusalem together at the house of the Lord to reform their idolatrous system, 2 Kings 23:5-8 records:
“And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the king of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.
And be brought out the grove from the house of the Lord, without Jerusalem,unto the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and stamped it small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the groves of the children of the people.And he brake down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove.And he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beer-sheba, and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on a man’s left hand at the gate of the city.”
In Jerusalem, to observe the Hebrew letter “Shin” cut into the city, one must look from above and face NORTH. As the Psalmist writes, “Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.”(Psalms 48:2). [Note: “King” is capitalized in the text and refers to the “Shin” – King Y’Shua] Facing north in Jerusalem, the sun rises in the east (on one’s right hand) and sets in the west (on one’s left hand). This is why all those who follow Baal and the sun follow their LEFT HAND and its LEFT HAND PATH. This is why the “high places of the gates” of the priests of Baal were on a man’s LEFT HAND at the gate of the city of Jerusalem.I Kings 18:19 says that there were 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of the groves, who ate at Queen Jezebel’s table.
Listen carefully dear reader. ALL ministers, pastors, priests, individuals and congregations throughout the world who support and follow the Alpha course are following the LEFT HAND PATH OF BAAL – just like the priests of Baal and false prophets who supported Queen Jezebel and were put down by righteous King Josiah.
This author is often asked: “But I have a very good Christian friend who has completed the Alpha course. They found nothing wrong with it. Surely they are still good Christians?” Answer: No they are not.
Unless they repent of the Alpha course,they have no salvation, and they are not real Christians at all. They are Gnostics. These are serious allegations indeed and must be explained further. Remember the
left side of the “Shin” [ש] in the city of Jerusalem is the HinnomValley – where originally the city’s refuge and dung was deposited, which represented a picture of Hell. Well, 2 Kings 9:37 records, “And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field…”This is why Jesus warned,“And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.” (Matt25:33) “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41)
Special note: The Bible does not teach that left-handed people are naturallysuperior or inferior to right handed people in day-to-day living. When theScriptures differentiate between the two, it is always in relation to ‘worship.’
Footnote: [This author, a Gentile, is deeply indebted to the Jewish author, and his brother in the Lord, Don Leichel, through his insightful book, The Secret of Daniel – An End Time Revelation, p. 293-294, for helping him fully understand the profound significance of the Hebrew letter “Shin” as it relates to Y’Shua,the Lord Jesus, the badger and Jerusalem. The author is also indebted to an unknown Jewish brother inthe Lord, in Israel, who recently wrote a revealing paper about the subject.]
And be brought out the grove from the house of the Lord, without Jerusalem,unto the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and stamped it small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the groves of the children of the people.And he brake down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove.And he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beer-sheba, and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on a man’s left hand at the gate of the city.”
In Jerusalem, to observe the Hebrew letter “Shin” cut into the city, one must look from above and face NORTH. As the Psalmist writes, “Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.”(Psalms 48:2). [Note: “King” is capitalized in the text and refers to the “Shin” – King Y’Shua] Facing north in Jerusalem, the sun rises in the east (on one’s right hand) and sets in the west (on one’s left hand). This is why all those who follow Baal and the sun follow their LEFT HAND and its LEFT HAND PATH. This is why the “high places of the gates” of the priests of Baal were on a man’s LEFT HAND at the gate of the city of Jerusalem.I Kings 18:19 says that there were 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of the groves, who ate at Queen Jezebel’s table.
Listen carefully dear reader. ALL ministers, pastors, priests, individuals and congregations throughout the world who support and follow the Alpha course are following the LEFT HAND PATH OF BAAL – just like the priests of Baal and false prophets who supported Queen Jezebel and were put down by righteous King Josiah.
This author is often asked: “But I have a very good Christian friend who has completed the Alpha course. They found nothing wrong with it. Surely they are still good Christians?” Answer: No they are not.
Unless they repent of the Alpha course,they have no salvation, and they are not real Christians at all. They are Gnostics. These are serious allegations indeed and must be explained further. Remember the
left side of the “Shin” [ש] in the city of Jerusalem is the HinnomValley – where originally the city’s refuge and dung was deposited, which represented a picture of Hell. Well, 2 Kings 9:37 records, “And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field…”This is why Jesus warned,“And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.” (Matt25:33) “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41)
Special note: The Bible does not teach that left-handed people are naturallysuperior or inferior to right handed people in day-to-day living. When theScriptures differentiate between the two, it is always in relation to ‘worship.’
Footnote: [This author, a Gentile, is deeply indebted to the Jewish author, and his brother in the Lord, Don Leichel, through his insightful book, The Secret of Daniel – An End Time Revelation, p. 293-294, for helping him fully understand the profound significance of the Hebrew letter “Shin” as it relates to Y’Shua,the Lord Jesus, the badger and Jerusalem. The author is also indebted to an unknown Jewish brother inthe Lord, in Israel, who recently wrote a revealing paper about the subject.]